Why Join the HITH Society of Australasia?

We are the peak body for Hospital in the Home in our region. We advocate for HITH in our region by engaging with stakeholders including governments. We are a true multidisciplinary society.

We run the only ongoing Australasian HITH Annual Scientific Conference. 

As a member:  

  • you will receive a discounted subscription to the conference.
  • you will have access to multiple online resources including past conference presentations, journal club, newsletters, articles and more.
  • you can apply for scholarships for education or research.
  • you can post on our blog, ask questions, contribute to the society, network with other professionals and help further the work of HITH in our region.
  • your annual membership helps pay for all of the above.

If you have questions regarding membership and it's benefits, please contact membership@hithsociety.org.au

Membership types:






Individual with qualification as Medical, Nursing, allied health, Academic or Scientific qualification



Reduced conference rate

Access to members only section of website

One vote at AGM

Eligible to hold a committee position

*not transferable


Awarded by the HITH Executive committee to an individual in recognition of services rendered to the Association and/or for outstanding development or achievement in the HITH environment.

Exempt from membership fees

Same as Full member

Shall be proposed and seconded by Full members of HITH society and confirmed at AGM

Eligible to vote at AGM

Eligible to hold a committee position

*not transferable

Membership periods cover year to June 15 or part thereof.

Keen to join? Enter your email and click next below.

Membership - $85.00 (AUD) Subscription period: 1 year No automatically recurring payments

Enter your email

* Mandatory fields
* e-Mail
Please note we often have bounceback issues from government health email addresses (eg. @health.nsw.gov.au).

We strongly advise using a webmail such as gmail, hotmail, bigpond or similar for your membership email which also serves as your user ID.
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