Important DatesHITH Online Grand Rounds, October 22nd 2024 WHAHC Congress Vienna, Austria, 27-29 March 2025 | Hospital In The Home (HITH) Society Australasia LtdThe HITH Society of Australasia is the peak independent organisation for HITH within Australasia. It is an independent, volunteer, not-for-profit member-based organisation. It seeks to evaluate and improve the delivery of hospital-level care in the home. . Definition of Hospital in the Home HITH is acute inpatient equivalent care, utilising highly skilled staff, hospital technologies, equipment, medication, and safety and quality standards, to deliver hospital-level care within a person's place of residence or preferred (non-hospital) treatment location. See the full HITH Society HITH Definition Position Statement here. Hospital in the Home Nursing Recognising the high level of training, qualifications and experience required to be a HITH nurse, the Society has released a position statement regarding core competencies for HITH registered nurses. See the full position statement here HITH Online Grand Rounds Supported by HITH Membership, this webinar is open access for all. Join us for the Hospital in the Home (HITH) Society Australasia's Grand Rounds, a webinar series that brings together leading experts to discuss advancements in HITH care. In this session, Prof Alan Wigg and Kylie Bragg from the liver team at Flinders Medical Centre, along with Tammy Cates from Silverchain, will explore the rationale and benefits of providing regular albumin infusions to patients with cirrhosis in the comfort of their homes. The next webinar will be held on Tuesday October 22nd 2024, 1230-1330 AEDT 1230 - 1330 Vic/NSW/ACT/Tas; 1200-1300 SA; 1130-1230 QLD; 1100-1200 NT; 930-1030 WA; 1430-1530 NZ To register for free, please click here. View other presentations here. Recent Webinars (open access) Topic: The state of the Union: Hospital in the home in the USA Speaker: A/Prof Michael Montalto Presentation now open access for viewing on youtube A/Prof Montalto's Paper available here Also: US CMS Report on Acute Hospital Care at Home Access Devices to Optimise Treatment in HITH - presented by NSLHD How does HITH look in practice? Some examples from others here (external links) Here's an article recently published in the New York Times. Here's one example of what a HITH nurse does HITH Webinar 30 May 2023 HITH Funding 101 - Presented by Dr Michael Young Deloitte Access Economics Paper Economic analysis of Hospital in the Home (HITH) - 2011 HITH Nursing Scope of Practice - Clinical Interest Group The Society is seeking to engage with members to form a working group exploring the diversity of HITH nursing scope of practice. This group will be open to all members and potential members, with a view to better defining HITH nursing scope of practice and aligning to NMBA standards. Overseen by Society board member Angela Ellis who has recently performed research in this area, we encourage interested members to join, participate and help shape HITH nursing. Please click here for further information Please click here to complete short questionnaire HITH Medical Interest Group A HITH Whatsapp group has been formed for interested Medical practitioners. Contact here if you are a registered medical practitioner and Society member and would like to be added to the group. HITH Society of Australasia announce collaboration with The Health Roundtable In 2020/2021, the HITH Society of Australasia and the Health Roundtable have formalised a collaborative partnership. This partnership has been extended for 2023. For more information, see our dedicated webpage. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK The HITH Society is pleased to announce we are now on facebook. Follow us to see regular updates, news and other interesting articles, information and tidbits. Click here! published 31-Mar-2020 This document is now freely available, however the Society would appreciate your support. To join as a member and access other information and support this work, please click here.
This tool was presented at the 2018 conference and due to demand is made available by the authors for members to download, to trial in their services and to provide feedback on it's use. Click here to go to our Online Resources page to download. HITH Society Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026HITH Society Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026 NSW HITH GuidelineQueensland HITH Guideline ** Updated December 2023Victoria HITH Guideline Where are Australasian HITH Services? At the 2017 Conference, members volunteered information about their service. This list is updated regularly, most recently in July 2019. If you wish to add your service, please contact For a full list, click here - requires member login |